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Pheww... Belakangan ni baru asyik ngurusin account DA-ku... Hari ini akhirnya aku bisa submit beberapa gambarku ke DA...!!! YAAYY... (^_^)

Setelah sekian lama stress nyari scanner buat nye.can gambar, akhirnya temenku ada yang ngasih jalan keluar... Berkat dia aku jadi bisa ngupload gambar. (thx so much for my beloved friend...)

Dan ternyata respond-nya lumayan juga. Padahal aku udah pesimis waktu liat gambar-gambarku... Thanks God!

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd's syndrome[1], is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experience micropsia, macropsia, and/or size distortion of other sensory modalities. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines, brain tumors, and the use of psychoactive drugs.[citation needed] It can also present as the initial sign of the Epstein-Barr Virus (see mononucleosis). Anecdotal reports suggests that the symptoms of AIWS are fairly common in childhood[citation needed], with many people growing out of them in their teens. It appears that AIWS is also a common experience at sleep onset.

Signs and symptoms

Eye components are entirely normal. The AIWS is a result of change in perception as opposed to the eyes themselves malfunctioning. The hallmark sign of AIWS is a migraine (AIWS may in part be caused by the migraine).[citation needed] AIWS affects the sufferer's sense of vision, sensation, touch and hearing, as well as one's own body image.

The most prominent and often most disturbing symptom is that of altered body image: the sufferer will find that they are confused as to the size and shape of parts of (or all of) their body.

The eyes themselves are normal, but the sufferer 'sees' objects with the wrong size or shape and/or finds that perspective is incorrect. This can mean that people, cars, buildings, etc. look smaller or larger than they should be, or that distances look incorrect; for example a corridor may appear to be very long, or the ground may appear too close.

In addition, some people may experience more intense and overt hallucinations, seeing things that are not there and misinterpreting events and situations in conjunction with a high fever.


AIWS is a disturbance of perception rather than a specific physiological change to the body's systems. The diagnosis can be presumed when other physical causes have been ruled out and if the patient presents symptoms along with migraines and complains of onset during the day (although it can occur at night).


Treatment is the same as that for other migraine prophylaxis: anticonvulsants, antidepressants, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers, along with strict adherence to the migraine diet.


Whatever the cause, the distortions can recur several times a day and can last from a few minutes to a few weeks. Understandably, the sufferer can become alarmed, frightened, and even panic-stricken. Fortunately, treatment is straight-forward and with an excellent prognosis. This is according to Dr Randolph Evans, a clinician in Houston, Texas and Dr Loren Rolak, a clinician at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, Wisconsin.


No studies are available that display any correlation between age, gender or race. AIWS is thought to be relatively common among migraine sufferers and young children.

Aku kira ni penyakit adalah penyakit fanatisme sama cerita Alice in Wonderland. Tapi ternyata bukan. Aku udah dag dig dug waktu baca nama penyakit ni, soalnya belakangan ni aku baru suka banget sama Alice in Wonderland. Untung aja bukan seperti dugaanku....

Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations (Hiks...)

Kecewa en sedih banget waktu liat Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations. Walopun nontonnya loncat-loncat (coz video-nya rusak 'parah'), tapi paling nggak aku ngerti dikit tentang ceritanya. Aku bingung mo bilang suka ato engga sama ni anime, soalnya aku belum nonton semua bagiannya. Tapi ada satu hal yang bikin aku sedih banget (entah mengapa?). Itu adalah..... Ternyata Syaoran yang selama ini jadi tokoh utama adalah seorang... yah, bisa dibilang seorang kloning. Ternyata Syaoran bermata cokelat-biru yang selama ini aku kira adalah kembaran Syaoran yang disegel oleh Fei Wong, ternyata adalah Syaoran si tokoh utama yang selama ini mendampingi Sakura. Rasanya sedih banget waktu aku tahu tentang hal ini. Aku ngerasa kecewa (mungkin?) karena sebelumnya Syaoran itu diceritakan sebagai seorang cowok yang sangat baik hati. Terus sekarang tiba-tiba dia berubah jadi jahat en ga punya perasaan (karena ternyata dari awal Syaoran dibuat itu dia ga punya hati. Hati-nya itu adalah setengah hati kepunyaan Syaoran yang asli, yang lalu diambil kembali oleh Syaoran yang asli). Karena hatinya udah diambil lagi ma Syaoran asli, otomatis si Syaoran kloning jadi ga punya hati. Padahal Syaoran asli bilang,'Aku harap dengan semua kejadian dan orang-orang yang penah kautemui membuatmu mempunyai hatimu sendiri, tapi ternyata aku salah,' makin ngebuat aku jadi depresi yang nonton. Syaoran asli juga bilang,'Hati yang mencintai Sakura itu bukan hatiku, tetapi hatimu,'. Tapi nyatanya.... Syaoran kloning emang tetep ga punya hatinya sendiri. Sedih....

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